Previous posts have commented: we are blown away on water the colour of warm places, feeling the undertow, the pull of the tides lifting us out to sea.
Papiers colles (7" x 5") |
Papiers colles (7" x 5") |
We live on dreams on cold winter days. On the solstice, close to either pole there is comfort in this.
Papiers colles (6" x 4") |
Papiers colles (6" x 4") |
Persevering, we sail in rough seas, control is tenuous at best. The
wind blows through our courage and we attempt a hopeful landing.
Papiers colles (11" x 7") |
A safe and hopeful landing on the shores of generosity.
Papiers colles (7" x 5") |
Papiers colles (6" x 4") |
It is always time to set sail again; to sail to the land of two moons on leeward winds.
Papiers colles (8" x 6") |
Papiers colles (6" x 4") |
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