Sunday, August 11, 2019

It's all about horizons

The horizon line -- the one that separates the earth from the sky is not real. It is not a real line that is.

The Playful Dunes: Clear Horizon, 2018 (24" x 24" canvas)
The Playful Dunes: Shifting Horizons, 2018 (12" x 16" canvas)
The Playful Dunes, a study, 2016 (15" x 11" paper)
We move towards it, and it retreats before our eyes. We capture it much the way we would capture the wind -- in the offing, always just about to happen.

New Mexico Interiors

 2024 February Reflection takes place internally. Lots of thoughts to tidy up. These are articulated in their own language. The mind will go...