Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Katanga Sunbird

The mythical bird of the Katanga savanna - a cousin to the  Bird of Paradise which is not actually a bird at all. How absurd.
Ink on paper (8 1/2" x 11") 1984 Lubumbashi
The Katanga Sunbird is rumoured to enjoy rushes in the marshland of the artificial lake. Very inky!

Sunday, September 11, 2016


Patterns, a form, a design repeated regularly 

2015- Jan-14 (9" x 7.2") [2016]
and not so regularly - 

2016-Feb-17 (9" x 7.2")
Not regimented though.

Coastal Dance

 It is a fine dance among the elements; it is a play on light and wind. 2024 Coastal Dance (paper, 15 x 11.5)     See my website at https:/...