Sunday, June 26, 2016

Once I lived on a Mountain - reprised

Once I lived on a mountain - cypress trees grew there, in abundance.
Cypress in Yellow, 1998 (acrylic on paper)
Veils of Haifa, 1998 (acrylic on paper)
Cypresses at Bahji, 2000 (acrylic on paper)
They still grow there on terraces and in circles. They surround the olive groves and interact with palm trees, always reaching upward.

Sunday, June 19, 2016


Swirling about on the page, moving forward in a big hurry. Warriors they are - each with a fancy weapon. 

Papiers colles with ink (6"x 4")
Papiers colles with ink (6" x 8")
What battles they fight!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Rocky Shore

In the mind's eye that shore, the rocky shore, is a collection of shorelines. A collection of rocks and grasses, of sand and pools of water, of fossils, shells, and sea glass.
In light.

Acrylic on canvas (16" x 12") 2016

Dry Rain

 A dry storm or a streak of cloud is a weather phenomenon. There is a technical term for it. The painting is reminiscent of others I have do...